This creamy (but cream-free!) soup is a great addition to any meal. It's quick and easy, you will have your guests thinking that you have been cooking...
This is a fast and easy soup that I keep on hand at all times. Great for when an unexpected guest comes over. Inexpensive and freezes well, too. Warms...
Use leftover marinara for a head start on this yummy, veggie-packed soup. It's perfect with a sandwich on a chilly day, or with a crusty garlic bread and...
Perfect for the summer and quick to make. If you enjoy gazpacho or any other cold soups, you'll love this. Zucchini combines with tomato, mint, basil,...
At a point of abundance with tomatoes and zucchini from my garden I came up with this soup. A friend said it was like a soup you would get at one of those...
I adapted this recipe from another I'd come across and created something a little more hearty and creamy. All it needs is the right combination of spices....
This is one of my favorite soups! It's my grandma's recipe that she just handed down to me this year in celebration of my garden producing enough zucchini...
A great way to make use of your garden veggies. Zucchini, carrot, potato, and onion combined with some herbs and cheese...delicious! Fresh veggies and...
We can't wait to make this delicious, slightly spicy soup every summer when zucchini and squash are plentiful in our garden. We like to serve this soup...
Barley, zucchinis, carrots, tomatoes, and corn combine to make this hearty, versatile, filling vegan soup that is just so easy to make in your Instant...
Carrots double in sugar once they're cooked, so if you're watching your sugars this is a flavorful alternative to conventional vegetarian cabbage soup....
A creamy vegetable soup with a wonderful flavor. For variety you may add shrimp or chopped imitation crab. As an added note, this recipe is how I met my...
A very refined soup and so easy to make! Zucchini and fennel combine with chicken stock and simple pantry spices for a soup that is great to make when...
An incredibly simple summertime soup for all that extra zucchini from the garden. This soup is delicately spicy, full of flavor, yet low in fat and calories....
This soup can be served hot or cold, and is great to use up those giant zucchinis from the garden! This soup can easily be adjusted to your personal tastes....
A great way to use all of those CSA veggies and it's creamy and vegan. You can really use any vegetables in this and different amounts. You can't even...
Our granddaughter loves this soup made by her great grandma! Substitute ground beef, Italian sausage, and beef stock for the ground turkey, turkey Italian...
My husband and I eat soup at every supper. This is a vegan soup that I make at least 3 times a month. We love it that much. It makes a large quantity....
Besides being tasty, this soup is also low in calories and fat, inexpensive, and very quick to make. The ingredients are ones that I usually stock in my...
This is one of my favorite soups. It's a family recipe. I love that it is dairy-free since I am lactose-intolerant. Serve immediately. Refrigerate any...
This simple soup is delicious made with ingredients fresh from the garden, but you can substitute frozen zucchini and a can of tomatoes if fresh veggies...
Too many zucchini in your yard? Try this super-simple vegan soup. Basil and zucchini go great together. This soup also freezes really well, so I always...
This isn't what I would call an authentic or traditional minestrone. It's simply my way of making a hearty minestrone that's amazingly healthy and quick!...
A perfect no-cook soup for a hot summer day! A great way to use and serve bountiful garden zucchini! The garbanzo beans add substance, texture, and protein...
Lots of zucchini this year, and I love soup. So what better than to make a zucchini soup? This is a light version, since I am watching my weight. If I...
This is, by far, my family's favorite soup. It can be served either hot or cold. We love to make huge batches when the zucchini in our garden is in season...
This is a combination of beef/chicken broth zucchini soup with kluski noodles and small beef chunks. It has the herbal touch of thyme, rosemary, and basil....
This is a delicious soup recipe that is great for using up all that extra zucchini you have in the garden. Creamy texture comes from cottage cheese and...
Making this soup with zucchini, leek, and creme fraiche is quick and easy, but plan ahead, as the soup needs to chill for at least 1 hour to be nice and...